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Journal of Ohio Archaeology articles

Journal Information

Guidelines for Reviewers

The reviewer is asked to carefully read and evaluate the submitted article for publication in the Journal of Ohio Archaeology.  In the course of the review, please consider the following.

  1.  Is the submission well-written, logical, and complete?
  2. Does this paper make a significant contribution to our understanding of the archaeology and/or prehistory or history of the Ohio region?
  3. Are the problem orientation or research questions guiding this study clearly stated?
  4.  Are the methods of analysis adequate to address the research objectives?
  5.  Are the results of the study clearly presented, and do they support the conclusions?
  6.  Are the tables and figures accompanying this submission adequate, accurate, and complete?
  7. Are the references cited adequate or should other sources have been identified?
  8. Should this submission be:
    1. accepted as is,
    2. accepted with revisions, or
    3. ejected? 

Please justify your decision.

You may edit the manuscript directly by using the “Track Changes” function of Word 1997-2003 or Word 2007.   Brief comments may also be inserted in the manuscript; however, we ask that more lengthy comments and suggestions for revision by typed in a separate Word document.   The anonymity of the reviewer will be preserved in all cases

Please e-mail the marked-up manuscript and comments as attachments to the Managing Editor ( within four weeks of receipt.  Please notify the Managing Editor of any unforeseen difficulties or delays in the review process.

The Editorial Board of JOA is grateful for your willingness to participate in this review process!


Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines


            The Journal of Ohio Archaeology is a fully electronic journal that publishes original papers on the archaeology of Ohio and the surrounding region. All correspondence between authors and the Journal will take place electronically via e-mail. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Managing Editor for distribution to the Editorial Board.  The Editorial Board reserves the right to return for revision or reject any manuscript due, but not limited to, inappropriate subject matter, poor quality, or excessive length. Manuscripts may also be returned for reformatting when they do not comply with the journal’s style provisions. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their work.  All references should be correctly and fairly cited, and quotations should be correctly worded.  Authors are required to obtain written permission to use all copyrighted materials, including previously published images and tabular data covered by U.S. and international copyright laws. 

            Submitted manuscripts will be evaluated by the Editorial Board and two peer reviewers.  Authors may recommend reviewers as well as name individuals who should not be considered as reviewers.  All reviewers will remain anonymous and will be given four to six weeks to complete their reviews.  Reviewers will return written comments and recommend whether the manuscript should be published, published with revisions, or rejected.  If the two reviewers submit contradictory recommendations, the Editorial Board reserves the right to make a final decision on whether or not to publish the manuscript.  

            If the manuscript is recommended for publication, the author will be given the opportunity to make any necessary changes or corrections based on the comments of the reviewers and Editorial Board.   The revised manuscript will then be returned to the managing editor for final copy editing.  Proofs prepared by the Editorial Board will be sent to the author, or the lead author in multi-authored papers, for final approval. All authors are to return the corrected proofs to the Journal within two weeks. Only changes needed to correct for typographic, spelling, or punctuation errors in the text or in figures or tables will be allowed at this time. Copyright release forms will be sent to the author. The lead author is responsible for getting all other authors to sign the copyright-release form which is necessary for on-line publication of the journal.


            Authors are to submit the manuscript in electronic format only as a Microsoft Word document (version 2007 or earlier) attached to an e-mail message sent to the Managing Editor (  Messages should include a contact phone number. Manuscripts are to be double-spaced throughout, with one-inch margins, and must include a References Cited section. Document formatting should be minimized as much as possible, but simple page numbers must be included. Authors must provide an abstract of no more than 150 words and list up to 5 keywords.   Abstracts should summarize the content and conclusions of the paper.  Tables should be prepared in Word format, numbered consecutively, and submitted as separate Word files.

All illustrations (including maps, line drawings, photographs, etc.) are to be numbered consecutively as “Figures.” Color photographs and line drawings are accepted and encouraged.  For the initial submission sent for review, figures may be inserted at the end of the Word document, after the References Cited section.  Upon acceptance for publication, digital versions of all figures must be submitted.  All figures should be high-resolution images (600 dpi or higher at the final publication size of 8.5 by 11 inches) and saved in.jpg format.  Contact the Managing Editor for questions about digital image requirements.

            The Journal of Ohio Archaeology adheres to the Society for American Archaeology journal style guide.  Authors should follow this style guide in preparing manuscripts for submission and pay particular attention to the formats utilized for textual citations and the References Cited section. 

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