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Ohio Archaeological Council Award Program

Otto Award


In recognition of founding trustee Martha Otto's more than 30 years of exemplary service to the Ohio Archaeological Council, this award is presented to an Active member who, as an officer, trustee, committee member, or through other service, has made a significant contribution to the mission of the Ohio Archaeological Council.

Selection Criteria

Nominees for the Otto Award must have made a significant and lasting contribution to the mission of the Ohio Archaeological Council through their work as an officer, trustee, committee member, or through other service. The positions held, number of positions held, or longevity of service is not, by itself, sufficient to receive this award. The nominee's service must have made a significant, lasting, and positive impact on the organization.


Public Awareness Award


Awarded to any category of member who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of archaeology in Ohio by increasing the public's understanding of archaeology.

Selection Criteria

Nominees for the Public Awareness Award must have made a significant contribution to public awareness demonstrated by meeting one, and preferably more than one, of the following criteria:

  • Fostering awareness of archaeology among Ohioans.
  • Influencing and encouraging future generations of archaeologists.
  • Contributing to the development of archaeological policy or legislation and its support in Ohio.
  •  Authoring or publishing archaeological publications, including electronic documents, intended for public audiences.


Scholarship Award


Awarded to any category of member who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of archaeology in Ohio through scholarship.

Selection Criteria

Nominees for the Scholarship Award must have made a significant contribution to archaeological research in Ohio by authoring articles, books, theses, dissertations, or other forms of publications, including electronic and contract archaeology reports, that have made a significant contribution to archaeological research in Ohio.


Board of Directors Award


At the discretion of the Board of Directors, this award is awarded to a non-member individual, organization, institution or agency that has made a significant contribution to the advancement of archaeology in Ohio in the areas of public awareness, scholarship, or other areas as determined by the Board of Directors.

Selection Criteria

Nominated by a member of the Board of Directors. Nominees for the Board of Directors Award must have made a significant contribution to the advancement of archaeology in Ohio, as determined by the Board of Directors.


Any Ohio Archaeological Council member, the Membership Committee, the Board of Directors, and non-members may make nominations. Member nominations shall be made on the Ohio Archaeological Council's Award Nomination Form. Nominations shall be submitted to the Membership Committee, Ohio Archaeological Council, P.O. Box 82012, Columbus, OH 43202, by April 1 of each year. The Membership Committee shall review and make their recommendations concerning nominees to the Board of Directors by June 1 of each year. The Board of Directors shall consider the recommendations of the Membership Committee and make the final selection by August 1 of each year. The Chair of the Membership Committee shall notify award nominators concerning the status of their nominations by September 1 of each year, inviting successful nominators and award recipients to the fall membership meeting for the award presentation. There is no limit on the number of awards given annually.

Presentation of Awards

Awards will be presented at the fall membership meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council. Award winners will receive a framed certificate from the Ohio Archaeological Council in recognition of their achievement. At their discretion, the Board of Directors may award additional non-cash items in recognition of an award winner's achievement.

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