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Great news. Ohio’s Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List happens in 2023!

On March 23, 2022, the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Park Service announced the formal nomination of the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks to the UNESCO World Heritage List. For over a decade, the Ohio History Connection and the National Park Service’s Hopewell Culture National Historical Park have worked with Tribal nations and stakeholders from across Ohio and the U.S., including the Ohio Archaeological Council, to seek World Heritage inscription for these eight Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks sites:

  • Hopewell Culture National Historic Park, including the Mound City Group, Hopewell Mound Group, Seip Earthworks, High Bank Earthworks and Hopeton Earthworks
  • Newark Earthworks State Memorial, including Octagon Earthworks and Great Circle Earthworks
  • Fort Ancient State Memorial.

The nomination will be considered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in the summer of 2023. Inscription on the World Heritage List will raise awareness about the worldwide significance of these incredible monuments constructed by indigenous people nearly 2000 year ago.

You can learn more about the nomination and support these efforts at

Information about UNESCO’s World Heritage program is found at

The Ohio Supreme Court has yet to decide whether the Ohio History Connection has the power of eminent domain to terminate its lease with Moundbuilders Country Club, the current tenant of the Octagon Earthworks. A decision is expected soon.

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